
March Madness!!

Daily Longstream! – Almost like a mini Subathon (a Minithon?) every week day in March – Bits, tips, and subs will now count towards the time the stream will end (up to a maximum of a 9 hours in a day!) – (Every weekday in March, barring illness, appointments, or unforeseen “carer duties”)

  • Tier 1 Sub : 3 minutes
  • Tier 2 Sub : 6 minutes
  • Tier 3 Sub : 15 minutes
  • Tips : $1 = 1 minute
  • Bits : 100 bits = 1 minute
  • Gifted Subs : Same as regular subs

(Note that the timer resets each day and any extra time after 5pm UTC (that’s the max 9 hours time) will not roll over – However, the timer starts each day with the base 4 hours on the clock)

Twos Up! – Every Saturday during March, for every 1000 bits gained it triggers not one, but TWO giveaways!!

Monthly Goal! – As we’ve not hit our usual monthly goal for 2 months in a row, we’ve lowered it for this month to 200 subs for a £25 Amazon Gift Card prize. However, should we gain the 300 again, we’ll do the Epic level prize choice giveaway instead!!

Goals and Giveaway Triggers!

Monthly Giveaway (Epic Tier Prize) – 300 Sub points (Active total seen below stream) – Drawn on the first stream after the 1st of the following month.

Weekly Goal ( Prize + Tickets Banked) – 6x Tier3 subs per week – All names who have grabbed a ticket for the monthly draw, will be stored and the !ticket machine will be reset, open to all again. This means it is now possible to gain more than one ticket for the monthly draw. (Example – You get your first !ticket and you can get no more. However, if the weekly goal is met then all the tickets are banked, and the machine reset. You are then able to get a second !ticket, but no more unless another weekly goal is met or you choose a bonus ticket as a prize from the Common Tier!).

Daily Goal (Rare Tier Prize) – 15 ‘announced’ sub points in a day. (We say ‘announced’ as this is manually tracked and only those that are shown during the stream can therefore be counted. All reoccurring subs should receive a chat announce option during the next stream viewed after the monthly subscription has refreshed. – If you find you don’t let Annie or one of the mods know, but please keep it honest and only announce once per month!)

Rolling Goals (Uncommon Tier Prize) – 1,000 Bits, 5x Tier1 Gifted Subs (also adds to Monthly goal), or 1x Tier3 Sub (also adds to monthly goal, and weekly goal)

*New* Bonus Chance – Every Uncommon Tier prize winner now gets a Fruit Spin for a 10% chance at getting upgraded to a Rare Tier Prize!

*NEW* Raid Trigger – A raid of 10 or more viewers will trigger an immediate Uncommon Tier Prize giveaway that will be held at the first convenient pause in the stream. A raid of 50 or more will trigger a Rare Tier Prize giveaway.

Tier System

Think of it like a loot quality system in a game. At the Epic end of the scale you have the bigger prizes going down to more common items in the erm.. Common Tier section. We’re now using similar system names to make the tiers more easily understandable.

Prizes are mostly placed on a specific Tier because ‘Annie thought they belonged there!’, but if the system works as intended, it will allow for a little bit more to be spent on new loot in certain circumstances, plus more variation of rewards in the future.

The Loot

EpicA Tombola Rolla Giveaway – This will be things such as Amazon or Steam Gift Cards, occasional physical products, and some games and game bundles.

RareA Floor Drop Giveaway – This shelf will often have things like newer game titles, AAA’s and more sought after games.

UncommonA Race Giveaway – This will have the majority of games and DLCs on it to choose from!!

Legendary – Once in a while there will a Legendary Tier prize – These will be for special events and goal achievments.


Giveaway Rules

Race rules

1) You must use the base sedan so everyone has the same chance to win

2) Whoever the game says is the winner, is the winner.

3) WildAnnie, and MrTibbs vehicles are there for fun and don’t count

4) You may use other styles of vehicles in the race, but you will not be eligible for a prize.

5) Wins may not be passed to another player, rolled-over, or saved for later.

6) You can win a maximum of 2 races in a single stream.

7) Wins must be claimed on the day of winning from the loot selection of that day.

8) If you cannot find a prize you like, you may alternatively have an extra ticket entry for the monthly giveaway from the Common Tier Loot.

Floor Drop Rules

1) It is your responsibility to make sure you have got a character in the game.

2) You must check that when you have entered ‘join’, ‘1’ or ‘2’ that it has worked, and try again if it has not.

3) WildAnnie is only there for fun and does not count. If she makes it to the final round she will forfeit.

4) Sometimes your entry will not picked up by the game. It is the nature of the internet, so keep checking!

5) The winner is the last person standing, or no one, if everyone died.

6) Wins may not be passed over to another player, rolled-over, or saved for later.

7) Wins must be claimed on the day of winning from the loot selection of that day.

8) If you cannot find a prize you like, you may alternatively have an extra ticket entry for the monthly giveaway from the Common Tier Loot.

Tombola Rolla Rules

1) During a monthly Giveaway roll, tickets will only have been available during the previous Month. No one can get a ticket on the day of the draw.

2) The winner is whoever the tombola picks to be the winner.

3) Wins may not be passed over to another player, rolled-over, or saved for later.


In all games, Annie reserves the right to remove anyone from the games in the event that they have broken Twitch chat rules, are found to be under the minimum viewer age on Twitch, or have an offensive username.


How we arrived here

The goals – Most are similar, some have extras! Everyone loves a good daily goal, and the Floor drop being the ‘unique game’ for the daily goal reward is a way to have a bit of extra chat fun. Now, however, this will also be the main way to unlock a prize from a higher tier.

Prizes – We all know that AAA and games and other more ‘shiny’ prizes are picked first, and we tend to end up with a lot of games that only get picked once those are gone (even though there are some stonking good games there). Whilst I am very lucky to have some wonderful people who often help and support with keys to help keep the list up (Thankyou to those people – you help keep the community fun going!), many still need to be bought and the cost of that has increased over time (for example – from Jan 24′ to June 24′ we gave away just shy of 900 games). This is why it allows for a little bit more to be spent on new loot in certain circumstances, plus more accurately represent the amount of support both individuals and chat as a whole have given!